Pie in the sky

24 Mar

I woke this morning to find not just a gentle flurry but a full on snow storm outside my window. Any ideas I may have had to get on with some plant based activities were thwarted, so instead of battling the elements, I dove into my local fruit and veg shop and bought a selection of edibles to inspire my growing. I’m a big fan of leafy greens; dark and mysterious curly kale, sweet spinach and beautiful chard in all the colours of the rainbow are a few of the faves. Here’s what I made… Iron rich and very comforting.

vegetarian greens pie

I found the pastry in one of my local Turkish supermarkets, I’m not sure this is a very traditional way to use it but hey, it worked a treat. Brushed with plenty of melted butter it came out crispy and pretty delicious.Green leaves pie

The chard, celery, spincach and dill were braised gently with onion, garlic, chilli, turmeric and a little lemon; layered up with the sheets of pastry and dots of sharp, tangy feta. What a treat.
vegetarian pie mix

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